Repackaging isochrones from MIST#
The purpose of this notebook is to keep track of how we generate the file containing the isochrone data.
The source of the data is:
Download the synthetic CMDs for SDSS (both v/vcrit = 0 and 0.4) from the “Packaged Model Grids” tab, and decompress using the following lines:
tar xvf MIST_v1.2_vvcrit0.0_SDSSugriz.txz
tar xvf MIST_v1.2_vvcrit0.4_SDSSugriz.txz
To read these files, a module is provided, see .
Alternate link to this module: jieunchoi/MIST_codes
Note one difficulty: the number of rows (i.e., initial masses) differs for each age, making it not that trivial to store the whole data into a multidimensional array. We therfore opt for the list structure detailed below.
import read_mist_models
import pathlib
import numpy as np
import astropy.table
import pickle
# metalicities fe/H (as they appear in the filenames)
fehs = np.array([-4, -3.5, -3, -2.5, -2, -1.75, -1.5, -1.25, -1, -0.75, -0.5, -0.25, 0.0, 0.25, 0.5])
# rotation velocities (as they appear in the filenames)
vrots = np.array([0, 0.4])
# How the metalicity is written in the filename:
def feh_string(feh):
if feh < -0.01:
return f"m{-feh:.2f}"
return f"p{feh:.2f}"
# How rotation is written in the filename:
def vrot_string(vrot):
return f"vvcrit{vrot:.1f}"
# Filename:
def isocmd_filename(vrot, feh):
return str(pathlib.Path(f"./MIST_v1.2_{vrot_string(vrot)}_SDSSugriz") / f"MIST_v1.2_feh_{feh_string(feh)}_afe_p0.0_{vrot_string(vrot)}_SDSSugriz.iso.cmd")
# Testing:
#print(isocmd_filename(rots[1], fehs[0]))
# Obtainign some metadata
isocmd = read_mist_models.ISOCMD(isocmd_filename(0.0, 0.0))
print( 'version: ', isocmd.version)
print( 'photometric system: ', isocmd.photo_sys)
print( 'abundances: ', isocmd.abun)
print( 'rotation: ', isocmd.rot)
print( 'ages: ', [round(x,2) for x in isocmd.ages])
print( 'number of ages: ', isocmd.num_ages)
print( 'available columns: ', isocmd.hdr_list)
print( 'Av extinction: ', isocmd.Av_extinction)
print(f"Log10 of ages in Gyr: {[float(round(x,2)) for x in isocmd.ages]}")
print(f"Available columns: {isocmd.hdr_list}")
#for feh in fehs:
# isocmd = read_mist_models.ISOCMD(isocmd_filename(0.0))
# print( 'number of ages: ', isocmd.num_ages)
# print(f"Log10 of ages in Gyr: {[float(round(x,2)) for x in isocmd.ages]}")
# Ages are the same for all metallicities:
logages = np.array(isocmd.ages)
In principle, the data to draw an isochrone is a 2D table: columns are absolute magnitudes in g, r, i, and rows correspond to different stellar masses. We have such a table for each age, and for each metallicity. These table don’t have the same size, as the number of masses changes with age! We store them in a list of lists, with indices (metallicity, age).
# Assembling all the data:
columns_to_extract = ['SDSS_g', 'SDSS_r', 'SDSS_i', 'initial_mass']
corresponding_new_names = ['g', 'r', 'i', 'initial_mass']
assert len(columns_to_extract) == len(corresponding_new_names)
vrot_list = []
for vrot in vrots:
feh_list = []
for feh in fehs:#[:2]:
age_list = []
isocmd = read_mist_models.ISOCMD(isocmd_filename(vrot, feh))
for age_index in range(isocmd.num_ages): # [0, 50, 106]
column_list = []
for column_to_extract in columns_to_extract:
column_data = np.array(isocmd.isocmds[age_index][column_to_extract], dtype=np.float32)
isochrone = astropy.table.Table(column_list, names=corresponding_new_names)
to_write = (vrot_list, vrots, fehs, logages)
with open('isochrones_MIST.pickle', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(to_write, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
# how to read:
with open('isochrones_MIST.pickle', 'rb') as f:
(isochrones, vrots, metallicities, logages) = pickle.load(f)